Navy Medical Corps

Welcome to the Navy Medical Corps (NMC)!  The NMC is a staff corps of the United States Navy in Second Life (USNSL) and is headquartered at Naval Rescue Station Oryx (NRSO).  All of the Navy's medical training is performed exclusively at NRSO.

The mission of the NMC is to ensure the health and physical well-being of all of the personnel of the USNSL by serving as doctors, nurses and other medical professional staff to the Navy.

Currently, all Navy medical corps personnel above the designation/rating of Hospital Corpsman are stationed at NRS Oryx.  However, medical corps personnel can be detached from Oryx to serve aboard other Navy stations and bases on two conditions.  First, all detached medical personnel must have a secondary assignment for duty (SAD) to NRS Oryx.  Second, all detached medical personnel must report to the Chief Medical Officer of the Navy (currently LCDR A. Eberdene) for medical service as ordered.

Each Navy base or station has its own medical facility or clinic, all of which are operated by the NMC.  However, the primary medical facility of the Navy is the Oryx Medical Center, located at NRSO.  The Oryx Medical Center is a two-story hospital featuring three emergency triage beds, an operating room, two physical examination rooms, a two-bed intensive care unit, a pharmacy, two long-term care beds, an imaging center, a reproductive medicine center, birthing unit, counseling center and barotrauma treatment center.

In addition, the NMC provides crew to T-AH-1 USNS Savior, the Navy's flagship hospital ship.  The Savior sails from NRSO and provides maritime medical support as needed.

Any officer or enlisted sailor can join the Navy Medical Corps upon completion of their basic instruction.  All medical corps instruction is performed at NRSO.  In addition, the NMC regularly hires and trains civilian contractors -- trained non-Navy personnel -- to assist in its mission.  There are four levels of medical training offered at NRSO as follows:


The EMT training program begins in the classroom.  First, candidates participate in an orientation of the Oryx Medical Center, where they receive their medical corps uniforms.  All medical equipment and uniforms of the NMC are free. Second, candidates take Emergency Medical Response I, and Emergency Medical Response II.  In these classes, candidates learn the basics of paramedic and emergency medical response techniques.  Lastly, candidate take a physical examination orientation course, in which they learn to perform a basic physical examination on Navy personnel.

Upon completing the classroom part of the program, EMT candidates engage in self-instruction which includes completing 5 physical examinations, and 2 emergency responses.  After these self-instructed requirements are fulfilled, the candidate is certified as an Emergency Medical Technician and given a Hospital Corpsman designation (for officers) and rating (for enlisted sailors).  In addition, officers are awarded a gold Medical Corps collar device, and enlisted sailors are awarded a silver Medical Corps collar device.